Technically Speaking

Stay on top of the constant stream of new digital tools on the market for brokers and agents. We’ve got you covered on everything from apps to CRMs in our monthly column dedicated to all things proptech.

Jumping on the Chatbots train — using AI to automate your customer engagement

Chatbots are becoming the Holy Grail of communication and customer care in real estate. But it becomes increasingly challenging when you have to manage these relationships by yourself.

Win over luxury consumers with digital storybooks

When it comes to selling a luxury property, we aren’t just selling a home. We are selling a dream. In order to sell that dream, we need to create a compelling story with our luxury property as the main character and present that story in an engaging digital storybook.

Hiring a virtual assistant doesn’t have to break the bank

Consider hiring virtual assistance — and do not fear! Our world has become so accustomed to working remotely, and technology has kept up with it.

Two easy tools to put you in control of your client’s home loan

With these tools, you have the advantage of keeping the lender in the palm of your hand, staying on top of the daily mortgage rates in real time and having the qualification tools to help your clients find the best solution for their home loan needs.

Business planning software to make 2022 your best year ever

All successful businesses (and Realtors) have a business plan, and if you have never created one, then now is better than ever to put one together.

Do you always know who you are meeting? Use this verification app to find out.

Most of us brokers are now seeing 40-50% of our inquiries coming in from online leads, and every day we are taking risks with these unknown prospects.

Rocket Mortgage, Salesforce team up for loan originations

“This will be the first time a home lender will provide an end-to-end ‘mortgage-as-a-service’ solution through Salesforce Financial Services Cloud — a platform that thousands of financial institutions already heavily rely on.” — Rocket Cos. Vice Chairman and CEO Jay Farner

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